Monday, August 8, 2022

4 Year Anniversary and 3rd Times a Charm?

4 years ago today, I lost my father to cancer.  He's always on my mind and I'm sure he's watching over us, especially now that Mom is recovering AGAIN!  

How many times can one's retina detach in a lifetime?  Well... it appears as if it can happen 3 times!  My poor mother's retina has detached once again in her left eye and has had her 3rd surgery to have it reattached.  Keep your fingers crossed that the 3rd time is a charm. 🤞🤞🤞 The first time was a week before we lost Dad and then the 2nd time was last month and now... here we go again!  

I haven't been in my sewing room for over a week, and I've spent a little time setting up the projects that I will be working on tonight and tomorrow.  Half square triangles (HSTs) for Mom's Quilt, the Green Giraffe for the Giraffes in a Row Quilt and a patchwork Nantucket Summer for the back of a project bag.  I've worked almost exclusively on the hexagons for this bag while I was with my mother last week.

While at Mom's I came up with a good idea to keep the layout in order for the hexis, Painters Tape!

Here is the layout and where I am so far with the stitching.  I've missed my sewing machine and am going to start sewing up 2" squares for a patchwork backing for the project bag.

Have a FABULOUS evening stitching everyone! ⬣ I'm going to be thinking about Dad too! 💖

Sunday, August 7, 2022


Welcome to my Blog!  This is really exciting for me because I keep a journal and write in it almost every single day.  I do not always update my Instagram and Facebook pages, and I typically have been posting YouTube videos monthly, so this might just be what I need to post daily updates about what I've worked on.  So stay tuned as I learn how to use this new and exciting tool.

4 Year Anniversary and 3rd Times a Charm?

4 years ago today, I lost my father to cancer.  He's always on my mind and I'm sure he's watching over us, especially now that M...